Posts Tagged: Corona virus

Covid-19, March 2021

A year ago, I wrote:

“Good news:
+ The mortality rate of Covid-19 is 5 times lower than that of SARS
+ For most people it is no worse than a common flu
+ It seems like only the elderly and especially those who suffer from a previous health condition is at risk
+ The virus is only spreading after a person has become ill and not during the incubation period

Bad news:
– No one is immune to the virus (Of course – because, this is what the main problem is)
– A vaccine will take at least a year to develop”

Well, a year later we have learned a lot. Some “bad news” turned out not to be as bad as we feared. For instance, the vaccin took less than a year to develop. But other things have had to be added to the list. We have learned that not “only the elderly and especially those who suffer from a previous health condition is at risk”, although those are most at risk, of course. Most notable in my view, howevere: Long Covid. I have had Covid but “no worse than a common flu” and without any lingering problem. For that I am very grateful.

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Hamsterkauf! Coronazeit! There’s a German Word for Your Pandemic Experience.

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The Covid-19 mRNA vaccine (David Goodsell)

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Another great video on Covid-19.

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Good summary.

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Covid-19, March 2020

Good news:
+ The mortality rate of Covid-19 is 5 times lower than that of SARS
+ For most people it is no worse than a common flu
+ It seems like only the elderly and especially those who suffer from a previous health condition is at risk
+ The virus is only spreading after a person has become ill and not during the incubation period

Bad news:
– No one is immune to the virus (Of course – because, this is what the main problem is)
– A vaccine will take at least a year to develop

The big unknowns seem to be, and these are my questions (not discussed in the video), how long will we restrict travel to and from northern Italy and other risk areas? Will we have to wait for a vaccine? Or is there a point when enough people, everywhere, has been infected so that it doesn’t matter anymore? And when is that point reached?

It seems that, ironically, the quicker the population get infected the quicker our problems will be over. Nevertheless,

Stay safe and healthy!

Update: This video address the questions I raise. It turns out that the answer has to do with whether we consider the disease to be an epidemic or a pandemic.

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