India Strikes Down Colonial-Era Law Against Gay Sex
Congratulations India!
Nu Àr inte jag nÄgot stort fan av Arbetsförmedlingen men lÄt oss inte glömma att sysselsÀttningsgraden just nu Àr hög. Om vi behöver en Arbetsförmedling Àr det inte nu, utan i en lÄgkonjunktur. Om myndigheten Àr lika irrelevant i en lÄgkonjunktur som den Àr nu, ja, dÄ blir det nog svÄrt att försvara dess fortlevnad.
I lördags besökte vi flygdagen som anordnades pĂ„ Ărna. Jag kan inte pĂ„stĂ„ att jag Ă€r speciellt intresserad av militĂ€rflyg men visst Ă€r det lite spĂ€nnande att se de mest extrema av maskiner upptrĂ€da. För mig var det hĂ€r ocksĂ„ nĂ„got av en nostalgitripp. Jag har nĂ€mligen varit pĂ„ en flygdag i Uppsala förut. NĂ€r flygflottiljen F 16 i Uppsala Ă„r 1993 fyllde 50 Ă„r ordnades Ă€ven dĂ„ en flygdag. Jag gjorde samtidigt vĂ€rnplikten pĂ„ I 13 i Falun och vi kallades in för att förstĂ€rka sĂ€kerheten. Om vi verkligen gjorde det Ă€r en annan frĂ„ga. Det jag minns tydligast Ă€r att vi gick patrull mitt i natten lĂ€ngs flygfĂ€ltets avspĂ€rrning, utan utrustning för mörkerseende och utan mĂ„nsken. Vi sĂ„g förstĂ„s ingenting. Jag har heller inget minne av att ha sett nĂ„gra flygplan i luften. Kanske Ă„kte vi hem innan sjĂ€lva flygdagen startade.
Enligt programmet skulle tvĂ„ JAS 39 Gripen i vilket fall ha flugit men om de verkligen gjorde det Ă€r tveksamt eftersom planet, tidigare samma mĂ„nad, kraschat pĂ„ LĂ„ngholmen i Stockholm under Vattenfestivalen â den andra kraschen med detta dĂ„ nya flygplan. I Ă„r flög dock flera Gripenplan utan problem, trots att Ă€ven denna flygdag föregicks av en JAS-krasch, den hĂ€r gĂ„ngen dock varken pĂ„ grund av maskin- eller handhavandefel. Den skyldige var nu istĂ€llet en större fĂ„gel.
Första tĂ„get efter sommaren: “Tekniska fel, reducerad hastighet.” Denna gĂ„ng SL. Kollektivtrafik Ă€r en vacker idĂ©. Jag noterar dock att vi ofta talar om vackra idĂ©er men sĂ€llan om vackra praktiker.
Discord. This must be my sonâs most used app, and it made me intrigued. So, I signed up, connected the app to Skype and Facebook, âŠand got zero friend suggestions. Got to find me some gamer friends, I suppose.
Alternative title: Macs have become expensive.
Apparently, I double processor speed (well, cores at least), RAM, and disk space every time I buy a new computer. The 2010 MacBook Air I could âdoubleâ after less that 3 years for half the price it will cost me to double the 2013 MacBook Air with the computer I buy now (in 2018). Granted, I get a larger and better display in almost the same form factor. This may be worth paying for. But paying for Touch Bar and Touch ID seems like a waste. To get down to the same monthly cost for this yearâs computer as for the MacBook Air I have had since 2013, I will have to keep it for 10 years.
August 2018
MacBook Pro 13-inch
Processor: 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.8 GHz
Memory: 16 GB 2133 Ipddr3
Drive: 512 GB Flash Storage
+ Retina display with True Tone
+ Touch Bar and Touch ID
Price: 25,695 SEK
Monthly cost:
3 yr: 714 SEK
5 yr: 428 SEK
10 yr: 214 SEK
July 2013
MacBook Air 11-inch (mid 2013)
Processor: 1,7 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3,3 GHz
Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz LPDDR3 SDRAM
Drive: 256 GB Flash Storage
Price: 13,454 SEK
Monthly cost: 221 SEK
November 2010
MacBook Air 11-inch (late 2010)
Processor: 1.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4 GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
Drive: 128 GB Flash Storage
Price 13,655 SEK
Monthly cost: 414 SEK
(VAT included in all prices)
“This is not to say that no one recognized the color, only that there was no specific name for it. In Geoffrey Chaucerâs ‘Nunâs Priestâs Tale,’ the rooster Chaunticleer dreams of a threatening fox invading the barnyard, whose ‘color was betwixe yelow and reed.’ The fox was orange, but in the 1390s Chaucer didnât have a word for it. He had to mix it verbally“.
In the books I had a sa young child in the 1970s, there were no colour named orange (which is also the Swedish wordâalthough orange, the fruit, confusingly in Swedish is “apelsin”). Instead there was the word brandgulâfire-yellow!
“If someone had designed a work regime perfectly suited to maintaining the power of finance capital, it’s hard to see how they could have done a better job. Real, productive workers are relentlessly squeezed and exploited. The remainder are divided between a terrorised stratum of the, universally reviled, unemployed and a larger stratum who are basically paid to do nothing, in positions designed to make them identify with the perspectives and sensibilities of the ruling class (managers, administrators, etc.)âand particularly its financial avatarsâbut, at the same time, foster a simmering resentment against anyone whose work has clear and undeniable social value. Clearly, the system was never consciously designed. It emerged from almost a century of trial and error. But it is the only explanation for why, despite our technological capacities, we are not all working 3â4 hour days.“
“You know how building wider roads doesnât improve commute times, as it simply encourages people to drive more? Itâs that*, but with bytes and bandwidth instead of cars and lanes.”
* + Google and the rest of the Internet advertising Industry.
“Det Ă€r svĂ„rt att fatta, men inte sedan Gustav Vasa har vi haft sĂ„ mycket skog â men sĂ„ olik den tidens: barrig, ung och enahanda. 92 procent av all skog i Sverige har redan varit ett kalhygge” (Zaremba, 2012).