Martian wind!
Kilogram gets a new definition
“Currently, it is defined by the weight of a platinum-based ingot called “Le Grand K” which is locked away in a safe in Paris. On Friday, researchers meeting in Versailles voted to get rid of it in favour of defining a kilogram in terms of an electric current. The decision was made at the General Conference on Weights and Measures“.
SvD/Sifo: Lööfs fel att vi inte har en regering än
Jag kanske har missat något men efter att ha sagt nej till både S och M hur stora kan chanserna för Centern att bilda regering vara? Jag har inget speciellt för mig i helgen så min del går det bra att hålla nyval redan då.
If time, as we perceive it, is a function of human cognition and perception then how could music, as we perceive it, not be a human “construct”. Nevertheless, this is the stuff you use when you want to blow minds. Also, Isaac Newton. Was he human though? I am not entirely convinced.
Seems like this is, at least partial, validation of calls by people like Sam Harris for a more direct study of human consciousness (and other, non-human, types, if at all possible).
“Endast handfull fall av nödslakt”
I somras: “Extremtorka tvingar bönder till slakt”.
Ännu ett argument för varför nyheter inte ska konsumeras nya.
Stochastic terrorism
“Stochastic terrorism is the use of mass communications to incite random actors to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. In short, remote-control murder by lone wolf” (Anonymous blogger, 2011).
The end of HIV transmission in the U.S.: A once-unthinkable dream becomes an openly discussed goal
“A mere decade ago, 45,000 Americans a year were contracting HIV. Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention started collecting data on HIV-related deaths just over 30 years ago, more than half a million of those people have died from AIDS.
And yet, today, the struggle against HIV may be undergoing a sea change.
U.S. health officials and HIV experts are beginning to talk about a future in which transmission in the United States could be halted. And that future, they say, could come not within a generation, but in the span of just a few years.“
“The cartogram is made up of squares, each of which represents half a million people of a country’s population. The 11.5 million Belgians are represented by 23 squares; the 49.5 million Colombians are represented by 99 squares; the 1.415 billion people in China are represented by 2830 squares; and this year’s entire world population of 7.633 billion people is represented by the total sum of 15,266 squares.“
When I no longer respond to any other form of communication, please play me 80s heavy metal (Iron Maiden and Metallica will do just fine!) and Pink Floyd.
Evernote isn’t looking too healthy these days
As an avid user, it makes me sad but – rescue or ruin – I think it’s time for Microsoft to do its thing and buy Evernote.
The Swedish election–which I, of course, dutifully voted in–resulted in an almost perfect tie. There is something to say for the UK style first-past-the-post voting principle.
“En person som utförde minst en timmes arbete under referensveckan eller hade en pĂĄgĂĄende anställning räknas som sysselsatt. Personer som deltar i vissa arbetsmarknadspolitiska ĂĄtgärder räknas ocksĂĄ som sysselsatta” (
Kan sysselsättningsgrad vara Sveriges mest meningslösa statistiska begrepp? Jag tror vi kan utgå från att alla friska icke sysselsatta personer (N.B. enligt den här definitionen) har gjort ett aktivt val att inte vara sysselsatta.