Apparently, you can steal a joke. Maybe. I stole this story from Om Malik.

Sleep Cycle knows when I fall asleep, why doesn’t my audiobook app? Is there podcast apps that do this already? Wouldn’t it be awesome to listen to a book, fall asleep and then, in the morning, find the book (or podcast) position marker (“playhead”) set to, say, three minutes before you fell asleep?

Can “Indie” Social Media Save Us?

You can find me on

Sverige har följaktligen hamnat i den underliga situationen att den tillsynsmyndighet som ska sĂ€kerstĂ€lla en vĂ€l fungerande revision bidrar till att stĂ€rka Big 4:s oligopolstĂ€llning. Och det utan att tydligt ha kunnat visa positiva effekter av nya föreskrifter” (Jan Marton).

I am not a fan of time travel stories. There are just too many “but, why didn’t they…?” Always fun to watch a Marvel movie with my favourite teenager though.

Uber Questions

However, if I bought individual stocks [ … ], I would be out: this S-1 is so devoid of meaningful information (despite its length) that it makes me wonder what, if anything, Uber is trying to hide. If I am going to be taken for a ride I want at least some idea of where I am going — isn’t that the point of Uber in the first place” (Ben Thompson)?

Human Contact Is Now a Luxury Good

Commander in cheat? Donald Trump’s 18 golf tournament wins examined

In an extract from his book on Donald Trump and golf, Rick Reilly explains why the president’s game can tell us more about him than a roomful of psychologists” (The Guardian).

Article claiming acupuncture on parents would treat their kids through quantum entanglement has been retracted

I love Retraction watch!

Mötte bÀver pÄ BÀverns grÀnd

Till rĂ„ga pĂ„ allt var det pĂ„ sjĂ€lvaste internationella bĂ€verdagen som Janne fick det ovĂ€ntade mötet. Dagen firas sedan 2009 varje Ă„r den 7 april” (UNT 2019-04-07).

Lokalnyheter nÀr de Àr som bÀst.

A Genealogy of Blue

America Is Becoming Steadily Less Religious


“Mr. Winston Churchill Presents His Compliments to Mr. Winston Churchill”

Want to see a bad movie? Watch The Crimes of Grindelwalds. About a week ago I watched Fantastic beasts 1 with my ten-year-old daughter, and thought it was ok. (She LOVED IT!) Tonight, we watched Fantastic beasts 2 and my daughter hated the ending. I think that is the least of the film’s problems but, yeah, that was bad too. Don’t watch it.

What the F is FM synthesis?

Great explanation! (The Digitone looks cool too.)

On the subject of “Days”, I came across this quote:

For centuries, a woman’s social status was clear-cut: either she had a maid or she was one.

I guess some things are getting better. Happy Women’s Day!

Why a Fake Doctor’s Rise is Really a Media Fail

I just learned that March 29 is Piano day. Love it.

The secret life of Facebook moderators

If you’re looking for a black strat, or maybe a gold Gibson:

When I listen to music.

Listening Clock

Courtesy of

Shocker: Facebook’s ‘Clear history’ privacy feature is vaporware

Another link to Daring Fireball, a site which obviously share my animosity towards Facebook.

Inside Facebook’s Secret Rulebook for Global Political Speech

Again I say, Facebook is to privacy and civil discourse what Enron was to accounting” (John Gruber).